Escape the Ordinary!
Stamford Arts Centre
12 - 23 November 24
I am delighted to join another extraordinary exhibition by Shalini and Eve Marshall as they bring together artists showing paintings, metalworks, felted art, woodwork, jewelley, sculptures and ceramics.
Several artists will demonstrate their craft during the exhibition.
Open Monday - Saturday 10 am - 8 pm.
I will be there on November 21st, come and say hi!
Flora and Fauna
Indigo Crow Gallery, Lincoln
1 - 13 October 24
I am loking forward to exhibiting in the newly established Indigo Crow Gallery in Lincoln.
Featuring my nature paintings together with the beautiful feltwork of Eve Marshall, the amazing woodwork of Mat Gardner and colourful upholstery of Ella Jenkins, our exhibition will show creative ways of being inspired by nature.
Workshop: Join my one day "Painting Birds" workshop at the gallery on October 10th (during the exhibition).
See details on my workshop page or follow the button below to the Indigo Crow Gallery page.
Indigo Crow Gallery, 57 Burton Road, Lincoln LN13JY
Gunby Hall Exhibition
Art on the Map group of Artists
April 20th - May 16th 2024
I am very much looking forward to exhibiting at this lovely National Trust estate again in the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds.
As part of the Art on the Map group of Lincolnshire Artists, I am showing paintings and drawings of local scenery and villages.
The exhibition will feature a wide variety of art, plyss glasswork and woodwork.
Open daily 10 am - 4 pm, at the Orchard Gallery in the gardens.
PE23 5SS
Lincolnshire Artist Society
Annual exhibition
Doddington Hall March 29th - April 14th 2024
Welocme to our yearly exhibition at the beautiful Doddington Hall just outside Lincoln.
Showcasing a wide variety of artworks and sculptures, this is always a popular event.
Open daily 1+ - 4 pm.
Free entry, good parking.
Lincoln LN6 4RU
Open Studio in Kirton
June 29th - 30th 2024
Welcome to visit my studio in Kirton, near Boston.
I am looking forward to participating in the Lincolnshire wide Art Trail this summer, where artist from all over the county will open their studios and invite visitors.
I have a studio in my garden where I will be showing my paintings, drawings, handmade cards and driftwood figures.
You are welcome to have a look around and see what I am currently working on.
Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 4 pm.
4 Laburnum Gardens, PE201JZ
Please park at the Spar Shop on London Road and walk aross the street to Laburnum Gardens.
Any issues finding me please call on 07932 717980
Through Artists Eyes
Exhibition at Fydell House in Boston
November 1st - January 30th 2024
My Kirton painting group and I are excited to exhibit our paintings at the historic Fydell House in Boston, Lincolnshire.
We are showing watercolours of a wide variety of subjects, including local senery and Boston streetlife.
Open Monday - Thursday 10:30am - 4pm and Fridays 10:30am - 3pm.
Free entry
South Street, parking nearby.
Beautiful garden, historic house, hot drinks and food available from the cafe.
St Barnabas Heart Trail
Streets of Lincolnshire until September 4th 2023
Over 30 heart sculptures are now on display in the streets of Lincolnshire in support of the vital services provided by the St Barnabas charity.
Local artists have been designing and creating some amazing sculptures during the last year and they are now exhibited around the county.
A map of the sculptures is available from the St Barnabas web site, including information about the artists and their sculptures.
My heart sculpture is called Summer in the Wolds and can be seen at 50 Bailgate, Lincoln, LN13AP
Art in the Barn May 13 - 29 2023
Lincolnshire Artists Society annual exhibition
Worth seeing, this is the annual exhibition by the Lincolnshire Artists Society. It features a wide selection of artworks from over a hundred artists and it has been very popular in previous years.
Doddington Hall and Gardens provide beautiful surroundings with an awardwinning farmshop and resturant.
The exhibition is in a large converted barn with plentifull parking.
Free entrance, open 10 - 4 every day.
Vitamin Sea Exhibition
March 13 - 19, 2023
Art inspired by the Sea
Art connected with the Sea is the focus for this large exhibition with the Escape the Ordinary group of artists. We are showing a wide variety of artworks at the Allman Gallery, Victoria Hall in Oakham.
Come and browse and be surprised, and also take a look at the beautiful town of Oakham.
Open daily 10 - 5, Sunday 9:30 - 12 pm.
Gunby Hall Spring Exhibition
March 24 - April 19, 2023
Featuring original works by 14 Lincolnshire Artists
I am excited to be part of this spring exhibition at the beautiful Gunby Hall. Managed by the National Trust, the estate sits in the lovely Lincolnshire Wolds, surrounded by woodlands and rolling farmfields.
I will be showing original watercolour paintings from the surrounding landscape, as part of a collective of 14 artists. I will be at the exhibition all day on March 24th and April 10th, please come and say hello if you are visiting.
Escape the ordinary!
Art and Craft exhibition at Stamford Arts Centre
25 October to 6 November
I am looking forward to showing my paintings at the Stamford Arts Centre, together with a group of lovely Lincolnshire artists.
We will present feltwork, glass art, craft items, paintings, cards, jewelley and other artworks.
Open 11 am - 8 pm.
On November 6th there will be an Artist Market in the Ballroom with a fabulous display of art and crafts; 11am - 4 pm.
Industri og Natur
Solo Exhibition, Jørpeland, 8. - 18. september 2022
I exhibited 50 artworks of local nature and industry at the beautiful Villa Rosehagen in the seaside town of Jørpeland. These were mainly ink and watercolours.
Veldig kjekt å stille ut malerier av lokal natur og industri hos Villa Rosehagen på Jørpeland i forbindelse med Stålverksfestivalen som ble arrangert for første gang.
Maleriene var i hovedsak akvareller og motivene hentet fra egne turer langs sjøen og besøk på stålverket på Jørpeland. Jeg er særlig glad for den gode mottakelsen utstillingen fikk.
Old Kings Head, Kirton
Exhibition of paintings
The Old Kings Head is a 16th century Inn, now transformed into a hotel in the village of Kirton, 4 miles south of Boston. It has been beautifully restored by Heritage Lincolnshire and I am honored to exhibit 10 of my paintings in their cafe and dining rooms.
Paintings feature local scenes, including the Frampton bird reserve and Boston market days.
All the artwork is for sale and a percentage goes to support the work of Heritage Lincolnshire.
Why not stop by for a coffe and a cake and take a look...
Stålverket i tegninger og malerier
Kunstutstilling på Jørpeland i Juli 2020
Solo Exhibition in Norway July 2021
Jeg stiller ut tegninger og malerier i Villa Rosehagen på Jørpeland i perioden 2 -31 juli 2021.
Åpent hver dag 11 -17, jeg kommer til å være der selv.
Fokus for utstillingen er Stålverket på Jørpeland, hvor jeg er inspirert av de unike og spennende industri motivene som området inneholder.
Utstillingen inneholder også malerier og tegninger fra Ryfylke, båtliv og kystlandskap. I tillegg selger jeg kunstkort med originale motiver.
De fleste kunstverkene er laget av akvarell og tusj.
Se Villa Rosehagens facebook side for mer detaljer.
Spring exhibition at Doddington Hall
"Art in the Barn" at the Staples Gallery May 14 - 31
Lincolnshire Artists Society's annual exhibition was a great success this year, despite the pandemic. We exhibited at the beautiful Doddington Hall just outside Lincoln and had very good visitor numbers and feedback from the public.

Summer Exhibition with Lincolnshire Artists
Now exhibiting online
Browse this years summer exhibition by the members of Lincolnshire Artists Society by following the link below. The LAS normally exhibits at the Usher Gallery in Lincoln, but are only showing online this year.
I am very pleased to have two of my paintings selected for the exhibition.

Exhibition at Sam Scorer Gallery
Lincoln April 27 - May 10, NOW ONLINE
I am excited to be part of the Introducing exhibition at the Sam Scorer gallery in Lincoln, showing 7 watercolour and ink paintings together with other artist from the Lincolnshire Artist Society.
This exhibition is now open online, see the Sam Scorer link.

Spring Exhibition in Boston
March 23 - April 2020
The Boston Art group is exhibiting at the Boston Stump after a year's absence when the church has undergone substantial refurbishments.
Lots of new artwork on display showing a wide variety of styles and images. Come and have a browse, a chat and a cup of tea...

Skissekurs i Tananger 29. - 31 mai 2020 (Skething course in Norway)
Båter, trehus og maritimt miljø
Vi skisser med blekk og akvarellmaling på dette kurset basert i Melinghuset som inneholder kystkultur samlingen i Tanager utenfor Stavanger.
Skissebok, blekk og penn er inkludert i kurset.
Av innholdet: Hvordan starte en skisse, Komposisjon og dybde, Forenkling av bygninger og båter, Enkel perspektiv forståelse, Eksperimentering i uhøytidelig samvær.
Fredag 18 - 20, Lør/Søn 10 - 16.
Pris kr. 1900,-
Informasjon og påmelding Ivar Langvik:

Skissekurs i Mølleparken på Tau 21. - 22. august 2019
Bli med på to dagers skissekurs i den flotte Mølleparken på Tau
I to dager skisset jeg i Mølleparken på Tau, Rogaland, sammen med en flott gruppe motiverte og flinke deltakere. Vi var fullt kurs og ble veldig godt tatt vare på av Eva Sørensen Galdal fra kunstgruppa i Mølleparken.

Utstilling på Sørskår 24. - 25. 8. 2019
Exhibition on the West Coast of Norway
Kystkultur var tema for sommerens utstilling på Sørskår Kai med motiver fra Norge, Amsterdam og England. Vi hadde strålende vær og mange besøkende fra nær og fjern.

Summer Exhibition at Blackfriars
Visit Blackfriars Art Centre in Boston in July
I was very happy to have all three of my paintings selected for this years summer exhibition at Blackfriars. Open through July. My painting of Blakeney on the North Norfolk coast won a prize for dramatic effect.

Sketching Wormgate in Boston
Sunday morning sketching 4.8.19
We had a lovely time sketching in the Wormgate area of Boston Sunday August 4th, concentrating on houses with a lot of character. Locals came to chat and we even got chocolate for snacks, always a pleasure to meet people walking by.

Sketching Boston Course 2019
Drawing and Painting Boston Street Life
A lovely group of people joined me for the "Sketching Boston" course based at Blackfriars Art Centre in Boston in May and June 2019. This was an 18 hour course over 6 weeks, where we practiced sketching people, buildings, houses and street life around town.
Participants experimented with various drawing techniques and the use of ink and watercolour.

South Holland Art Exhibition April 4th - 10th 2019
Boats and harbours
I was very pleased to have three of my paintings accepted for this regional exhibition, showcasing art work from the East Midlands, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Lovely venue at the South Holland Centre in Spalding.

Painting on Sky TV programme
I was a "wild card" on the Sky landscape painter of the year 2018
I had a great day out at Fountain Abbey in Yorkshire with painters from across the land, competing as a wild card in the Sky TV series. October 16th 2018 on Sky Arts channel.

Open Show at Sam Scorer gallery in Lincoln
A variety of Lincolnshire Artists exhibited their work
I was pleased to participate in the first Open Exhibition arranged by the Sam Scorer gallery in Lincoln. Sept 11th to 23rd 2018. 5 Drury Lane, Lincoln LN1 3BN