Workshops and Events

Paint Birds in Ink and Watercolours
Lincoln October 10th
Join me for a day of painting birds in ink and watercolours in the Indigo Crow Gallery, recently opened on top of the Hill in Lincoln.
Birds have a lot of personality and make lovely subjects for painting.
We will paint ducks and puffins using different painting styles, giving you an opportunity to experiment with a variety of ink lines and watercolours.
This is a full day workshop from 10 am to 4 pm.
In the morning we will paint a quirky puffin using strong colours and lines. In the afternoon we are painting ducks local to Lincolnshire using a limited palette and textures.
All materials are artist quality and included in the course. This is a small group where you will get plenty of individual attention.
The workshop coincides with the Flora and Fauna exhibition at the Indigo Crow Gallery. We will be surrounded by beautiful and inspiring artworks with a related theme.
Refreshements available throughout the day.
Click button below for more information and to book.

Paint the Northern Lights in Watercolour
February 1st or 2nd 2025
Join me for a day of painting the magic Aurora Borealis.
We will paint two different designs in a wet in wet style, using high quality watercolours on professional artists paper to achieve the best results.
Practice blending paint and let it flow into beautiful vivid colours. Play with different designs.
Take home paintings, new skills and inspiration.
Open to everyone, small group, personal feedback.
Includes quality materials and refreshments.
Chose Saturday or Sunday 10:30 - 3.30.

Create Texture in Watercolours
One day workshop
November 9th 2024
Join me for a day of exploring various ways of creating texture in watercolours.
We will play with different media and surfaces and learn how the materials behave when mixed with the paints.
Come along if you are prepared to explore and play.
All materials included.
10 am - 3:30 pm
Kirton Town Hall, PE201LD
To sign up, click the button below and send me a message, and I will forward more details to you.

Norway workshop
Akvarell sommerkurs
Jørpeland 12. - 14 juli 24
Fully Booked
This workshop is in Norwegian.
Bli med på et kreativt og inspirerende sommerkurs i gamle Jørpelandsvågen.
Vi skal være i det koselige og historiske Jørpelands Brug, som ligger idyllisk til nede ved båthavna.
Kurset er åpent for deg som har lyst til å lære ulike akvarellteknikker og male lokale, kjekke motiv.
Vi eksperimenterer også med blanding av akvarell og blekk.
Alle materialer er inkludert.
Du får også akvarell skissebok, fineliner og blekk.
Kurset passer alle, med eller uten erfaring.
Ta med hjem alle skisser og malerier, ny kunnskap, inspirasjon og ideer til videre arbeid.
Jeg holder kurset sammen med Guri Hovland fra Draumehus, og vi legger opp til et spennende program, kreativ kos og sosialt samvær.
Sted: Jørpeland Brug
12. - 14. juli 10:00 - 16:00
Kontakt meg hvis du har spørsmål.
Meld deg på hos Guri:

Paint Seascapes in Watercolours
October 20th and 27th 2024
Come and paint atmospheric seascapes and sunsets.
With its unique ability to blend colours, watercolours are great for painting loose scenes.
Learn how to blend colours, build up a painting and create disctance and light using a limited palette.
Open to everybody, all materials included.
Limited to 9 participants.
Alford Arts and Craft Centre, 10.30am - 3:30pm.

Paint Nature in Watercolours
October 6th, November 16th 2024
Fully Booked
Join me for a day of painting trees and woodlands, inspired by the lovely Lincolnshire landscape.
Using ink and watercolours, we will experiment with colours and textures to create interesting results.
Our focus will be on capturing the light in the landscape.
Alford Arts and Craft Centre 10:30am - 3:30pm.
All materials included, open to everyone.
Max 9 participants.
Currently fully booked. Please contact me for waidting list.

Exploring Watercolours
One day workshop May 25th
Fully booked, waiting list available
Join me for a day of playing with watercolours and creating interesting textures.
Discover how a variety of textures can enhance your paintings and add interest to your artwork.
Take home new ideas, inspiration for future work and all the experiments you have created on the day.
Open to eveyone, all materials provided.
Saturday May 25th at Kirton Town Hall, PE20 1LD
Times: 10 am - 3:30 pm.
Cost £ 45 payable when booking
Limited places.
Includes all materials and refreshments.
Bring your own lunch, access to kitchen.
Good parking.

Frampton RSPB Nature Reserve
Watercolour painting
January 25th 1-4 pm
Fully Booked
Come and paint with me at the beautiful Frampton Nature Reserve close to Boston, Lincolnshire.
The Wash area is the UKs most important area for wetland birds. We will use the new visitors centre as our base, with stunning views over the nature reserve.
Our focus is to paint the landscape, including seasonal birds. Weather permitting we might also go outside and sketch on location before continuing inside.
Limited numbers, materials provided, open to everyone.
Refreshments available at the cafe, good parking.
Location: Framton Marsh PE201AY

Watercolour class for beginners
New course starting January 2nd 2024
Fully booked.
Join me for this 8 weeks course in learing about watercolours and painting techniques.
Open to beginners and if you have some painting experience.
Tuesdays 11am - 1 pm at the Kirton Town Hall, near Boston.
£ 80 for the course, including sketchbook.
Matierials not included and a list of suggested materials is available.
Friendly, creative, social.
Course now fully booked.

Perspective for Painters
February 4th and 18th, 2024
Fully booked.
Getting the perspective right can make a big difference when you draw and paint.
Today we will learn one and two point perspective, and apply this to streetscenes, landscape and also include people.
Easy to understand exercises.
Open to everyone, small group.
Materials included.
For waiting list, please contact me.

Create Vivid Sunflowers Ink and Watercolours
April 27 and May 5 2024
Come and play with inks and watercolours while we create vivid sunflowers. Practice various techniques and go a little crazy with shapes and colours.
Great if you want to loosen up and enjoy yourself.
Open to everyone, small group.
The April 27th course is now full but May 5th has available spaces.
Matierials included.

Paint for Kirton Church
Help fundraise for the Church
Join me on September 2nd 2023 to paint your own artwork of the beautiful 12th century Kirton Church.
We are fundraising for a new roof for the church and being creative at the same time.
Time: 13:30 - 15:30 pm, Kirton PE201EH
The cost is £ 15 per person, including paper and refreshments.
Children under 16 goes free when with an adult.
Bring your own pens / paints or crayons, whatever you like to use.
Open to everyone, no previous painting experience needed.
Friendly, creative, social.
To join, contact Paula Davis, 07749 877578.

Landscape in Ink and Watercolour
Fully Booked
Workshop at Alford Craft Market
October 1st 2023
Taking inspiration from the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds, we will experiement with landscape painting in a loose "ink and wash" style. This is a popular and easily accessible way of painting with watercolours, open to all.
For more details follow link below.
Only 9 spaces, all materials provided plus refreshements.

Paint a Village Scene in Ink and Watercolour
Fully Booked
Alford Craft Market Centre
October 8, 2023
Taking inspiration from the lovely villages in the Lincolnshire Wolds, we will practice the "ink and wash" approach to painting with watercolurs.
For more details, follow the link below to the Alford booking site.
Open to everyone and all materials provided, plus refreshments.
Only 9 spaces, 10:30 - 3:30 pm.

Paint Flowers in Inks and Watercolours
April 23 and April 30, 2023
(Fully booked)
Join me for this one day workshop at Alford Art and Craft Centre where we will experiment with combining inks and watercolours whilst painting imaginary flowers.
Playing with ideas and materials is a lovely way to discover new creative avenues, so come prepared to try out some colourful combinations.
Open to everyone.
Only 9 participants per course, all materials included.
Follow link to sign up.

Sketching with Lincolnshire Wolds Festival
Alford June 4 and 11
Join us for a day of sketching outside as part of the Lincolnshire Wolds festival program. Open to everyone, learn easy ways of sketching on location and which materials work best. A sketchbook is included in the course.
The Lincolnshire Wolds is a beautiful part of the county with rolling hills and lovely villages. We will sketch in the small town of Alford, full of buildings with character and personality.
Only 8 participants.
Fun, relaxed and creative.

Paint your House in Ink and Watercolours
Alford Arts Gallery, February 12th 2023, 10.30 - 3:30 pm.
(Fully booked.)
Every house has its own story and character and in this workshop we will look at many different elements that go into painting houses: style, colours, texture, doors, windows etc. Bring a photo of your house or the house of someone you know, and paint a portrait to take home.
Using a combination of ink and watercolours, we will paint in a loose style and aim to create an image personal to you.
This workshop is open to everyone. Small group.
All materials and refreshments included.

Paint Boats and Harbour Scenes in Ink and Watercolour
Alford Arts Gallery, February 26th 2023, 10:30 - 3:30 pm.
(The February 19th workshop is full.)
Boats and harbour scenes often inspire artists, as many boats have personality and charm.
In this workshop we will practice painting boats using ink and watercolours. We will also include harbour scenes and decorations such as buoys and fenders.
You will learn to combine ink and watercolours, paint in a loose style and take home several different images.
Our focus is on experimenting and the workshop is open to eveyone.
All materials and refreshments are included. Small group and friendly atmosphere.

Watercolours for Beginners
One day course in Kirton
(Fully booked)
Would you like to try watercolours?
Join me for a day of discovering;
What makes watercolours unique?
Which materials work best?
Various painting techniques.
All materials included, plus refreshments.
Open to all over 16 years (or younger if accompanied).
Kirton Town Hall, close to Boston, Lincolnshire.
Good parking.

Workshops at Alfords Arts Gallery
One day courses in October and November
I look forward to painting at the beautiful Alford Arts Gallery, with only 6 participants per course it is always a creative and productive experience.
Imaginary landscapes in Ink and Watercolour
Sunday October 30th,
All materials provided.
Winter landscapes in Watercolours
Sunday November 13th,
All materials provided.
Courses £ 40 each, including all matierials, drinks and biscuits.
Contact Alford directly to enquire or book.

Mal Fargerike Båter med blekk og akvarell
Now Ended
Et kurs for deg som liker båter og maling
Vi maler fargerike båter på dette kurset ved å kombinere blekk of akvarell for sterke linjer og uttrykk.
Sted: Hos Draumehus på Sørskår kai.
Tid: 14. September kl 17 - 21.
Blekk og materialer er innkludert i kurset, ta med akvarell farger eller kjøp rimelig på dagen.
Åpent for alle.
Servering av deilig gresk mat, dessert og drikke er også innkludert i kurset.
Kontakt: for mer informasjon.

Paint Poppy Flowers,
Now Ended
Sam Scorer Gallery, Lincoln, July 14th, 1- 2:30 pm.
Join me for a taster workshop and create a lose and colourful watercolour using a wet in wet technique. We are painting in the gallery of the VIVID exhibition, surrounded by beautiful artwork and lots of inspiration.
Open to everyone. Bring brushes and paint. Paper is provided.
To book email Eve on:

Paint Poppies
Now Ended
Summer Flowers in watercolour - Sunday July 31st
Colourful flowers can freshen up any artwork. Using creative techniques in
watercolour we will paint a variety of flowers, including poppies in a sunny
landscape. Our focus will be on a loose style and creating light and contrast to
achieve artistic impact. Open to everyone. Take home paintings, inspiration and
easy ideas. All materials provided.

Paint Boats
Now Ended
Boats with Ink and Watercolour - Sunday July 17th
Boats have lots of personality and often inspire artists. Yet they are not always
easy to get right in a painting. Today we will look at the shape of boats and paint
several different versions as practice. Our focus will be on experimentation and
the workshop is open to everyone. Using a combination of ink and watercolour
you will take home paintings, inspiration and new ideas. All materials provided.

Lag Mini Malerier
Nå ferdig
Workshop in Norway April 2. 2022
Bli med på et dagskurs hvor vi maler mini malerier og lager originale kunstkort.
Kurset passer for alle som har lyst til å eksperimentere med akvarell maling.
Sted: Draumhus, Sørskår kai, Rogland.
Lørdag 2. april kl. 11-16.
Inkludert deilig lunsj, te, kaffe og snacks.
Kr. 950,- prisen inckluderer mat, drikke, alle akvarell papirer og 6 kunstkort per deltaker.
Ta med akvarell maling selv eller kjøp rimelig på dagen.
Påmelding til:

Free Taster Evening
Now Ended
Kirton Town Hall April 20th 2022, 7-9 pm
Would you like to take up drawing or painting?
Join me this evening at the Kirton Town Hall to learn more about painting with watercolours and also sketching on location.
We will paint an ink and watercolour abstract landscape and learn more about art materials. No previous experience needed, just an interest in getting creative and trying new techniques.
Open to anyone over 16 years. Limited spaces, booking necessary.

Sketching Local Scenery
Now Ended
Learn to sketch and paint on location
Based at the Kirton Town Hall, we will venture out and sketch on location weather permitting.
Starting Monday May 9th at 6:30 - 9 pm, we will spend 7 weeks learning drawing techniques, observation skills and perspective for landscapes and townscapes.
Sketching outside is a great way to capture scenes that might inspire you and turn these into interesting artwork.
Cost for 7 weeks (17.5 hours ) is £ 75. A deposit of £ 25 is payable when booking.
Open to beginners and also if you have some sketching experience and are over 16 years of age.
To enquire or book please use the link below.

Watercolour Painting Course
Now Ended
Learn to paint with watercolours
Starting on May 3rd 2022 and running for 8 weeks, you will learn a variety of techniques for painting with watercolours, including buildings, flowers and landscapes.
Open to beginners and also if you have some painting experience and are over 16 years old.
Venue: Kirton Town Hall, Tuesday evenings 7-9 pm. Good parking, all facilities.
Cost: For 8 weeks £ 75, a deposit of @ 25 is payable when booking.
A list of basic materials will be provided in good time before the course starts.
This is a course for you if you like to get creative and enjoy painting with other people.
For questions or to book a space, use contact button.

Workshops at Alford Art Gallery
Now Ended
Four workshops to choose from
I am looking forward to teaching four exciting one-day workshops at the Alford Art Gallery during spring 2022.
Venue: Alford Art Gallery, Alford. Spend the day in an art gallery and be inspired!
Some or all art materials included.
Only 6 participants per course.
See the Alford Art Gallery for details.

Ink and Watercolour Course
Now Ended
Starting January 10th 2022
FULL: This is a 10 week course of painting with Ink and Watercolours. Combining ink and watercolours offers many creative possibilities. In this course we will experiment, play and also get down to some painting business. If you like to create art with impact and strong lines, this course might be for you.
Starting: January 10th 2022 7 - 9 pm.
Venue: Kirton Town Hall, Kirton.
A list of basic materials will be provided in good time before the course starts. A sketch book comes free with the course.

Watercolour Painting Course
Starting January 12th 2022 in Kirton
FULL: Join me for this 10 weeks course exploring the many possibilities of painting with watercolours.
We will lean a variety of painting techniques and also experiment with texture. This course is open to beginners or if you have some experience with painting.
Venue: Kirton Town Hall, Kirton.
A list of basic materials will be provided in good time before the course starts. A sketchbook comes free with the course.
For more details or to sign up use to Contact page to message me.

Alford Art Gallery
Exhibition of original paintings
During the month of November 2021 I am very pleased to be Artist of the Month in the Alford Art Gallery. I am exhibiting 25 original ink and watercolour paintings, many of local scenery.
The exhibition is open Tuesday to Saturday 10 - 4 pm.
Address 14 A Market Place, Alford LN13 9EB

Old Kings Head, Kirton
Exhibition of paintings
The Old Kings Head is a 16th century Inn, now transformed into a hotel in the village of Kirton, 4 miles south of Boston. It has been beautifully restored by Heritage Lincolnshire and I am honored to exhibit 10 of my paintings in their cafe and dining rooms.
Paintings feature local scenes, including the Frampton bird reserve and Boston market days.
All the artwork is for sale and a percentage goes to support the work of Heritage Lincolnshire.
Why not stop by for a coffe and a cake and take a look...

Painting classes in Kirton
Now Ended
10 week course painting in watercolours
The current 10 weeks course in exploring the many possibilities of painting with watercolour is now full. If you are interested in joining a future course, please contact me and I will keep you up to date with any plans.
In this course we focus on experimenting and learning a variety of tecniques. Suitable for beginners and also if you have some experience with watercolours.
Current course: Mondays 7-9 pm, Kirton Town hall. September 2021.
New course planned for Jan 2022, ask for details.
Friendly, social, creative.
Contact me for more details using the web contact form or send email:

Maledag på Sørskår hos Draumehus 1. august
Vi eksperimenterer med blekk og akvarell maling
Denne dagen lærer vi forskjellige teknikker med kombinasjon av blekk og akvarell maling. Fokus er på kreativ utforskning og prøving av nye ideer. Alle deltakere får skissebok, blekk og kullblyanter.
Sted: Draumehus ved Guri Hovland, Sørskår Kai, Ryfylke
Tid: 11-4, lunsj inkludert
Kontakt Guri for mer informasjon:

Stålverket i tegninger og malerier
Kunstutstilling på Jørpeland i Juli 2020
Solo Exhibition in Norway July 2021
Jeg stiller ut tegninger og malerier i Villa Rosehagen på Jørpeland i perioden 2 -31 juli 2021.
Åpent hver dag 11 -17, jeg kommer til å være der selv.
Fokus for utstillingen er Stålverket på Jørpeland, hvor jeg er inspirert av de unike og spennende industri motivene som området inneholder.
Utstillingen inneholder også malerier og tegninger fra Ryfylke, båtliv og kystlandskap. I tillegg selger jeg kunstkort med originale motiver.
De fleste kunstverkene er laget av akvarell og tusj.
Se Villa Rosehagens facebook side for mer detaljer.

Spring exhibition at Doddington Hall
"Art in the Barn" at the Staples Gallery May 14 - 31
Lincolnshire Artists Society's annual exhibition was a great success this year, despite the pandemic. We exhibited at the beautiful Doddington Hall just outside Lincoln and had very good visitor numbers and feedback from the public.

Wild Art sketch walks at Gibraltar Point
Now Ended
May 25, June 1, 8 & 15
Join me for outdoor sketching at Gibraltar Point Nature reserve on the Lincolshire coast. As part of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trusts Dynamic Dunescapes project, we will run 4 relaxed and friendly art workshops. Come along if you are keen to spend time outdoors, would like to meet people, and enjoy being creative. Free of charge, open to eveyone, bring your sketching kit or buy one on the day. Limited numbers. To sign up click the link below.

Summer Exhibition with Lincolnshire Artists
Now exhibiting online
Browse this years summer exhibition by the members of Lincolnshire Artists Society by following the link below. The LAS normally exhibits at the Usher Gallery in Lincoln, but are only showing online this year.
I am very pleased to have two of my paintings selected for the exhibition.

Exhibition at Sam Scorer Gallery
Lincoln April 27 - May 10, NOW ONLINE
I am excited to be part of the Introducing exhibition at the Sam Scorer gallery in Lincoln, showing 7 watercolour and ink paintings together with other artist from the Lincolnshire Artist Society.
This exhibition is now open online, see the Sam Scorer link.

Spring Exhibition in Boston
March 23 - April 2020
The Boston Art group is exhibiting at the Boston Stump after a year's absence when the church has undergone substantial refurbishments.
Lots of new artwork on display showing a wide variety of styles and images. Come and have a browse, a chat and a cup of tea...

Skissekurs i Tananger 29. - 31 mai 2020 (Skething course in Norway)
Båter, trehus og maritimt miljø
Vi skisser med blekk og akvarellmaling på dette kurset basert i Melinghuset som inneholder kystkultur samlingen i Tanager utenfor Stavanger.
Skissebok, blekk og penn er inkludert i kurset.
Av innholdet: Hvordan starte en skisse, Komposisjon og dybde, Forenkling av bygninger og båter, Enkel perspektiv forståelse, Eksperimentering i uhøytidelig samvær.
Fredag 18 - 20, Lør/Søn 10 - 16.
Pris kr. 1900,-
Informasjon og påmelding Ivar Langvik:

Skissekurs i Mølleparken på Tau 21. - 22. august 2019
Bli med på to dagers skissekurs i den flotte Mølleparken på Tau
På dette to dagers kurset tegnet og malte vi i Mølleparken på Tau i Rogaland, og jeg hadde det kjekt sammen med en flott gruppe motiverte og flinke deltakere. Vi var fullt kurs og ble veldig godt tatt vare på av Eva Sørensen Galdal fra kunstgruppa i Mølleparken.

Summer Exhibition at Blackfriars
Visit Blackfriars Art Centre in Boston in July
I was very happy to have all three of my paintings selected for this years summer exhibition at Blackfriars. Open through July. My painting of Blakeney on the North Norfolk coast won a prize for dramatic effect.

Sketching Wormgate in Boston
Sunday morning sketching 4.8.19
We had a lovely time sketching in the Wormgate area of Boston Sunday August 4th, concentrating on houses with a lot of character. Locals came to chat and we even got chocolate for snacks, always a pleasure to meet people walking by.

Sketching Boston Course 2019
Drawing and Painting Boston Street Life
A lovely group of people joined me for the "Sketching Boston" course based at Blackfriars Art Centre in Boston in May and June 2019. This was an 18 hour course over 6 weeks, where we practiced sketching people, buildings, houses and street life around town.
Participants experimented with various drawing techniques and the use of ink and watercolour.

Painting on Sky TV programme
I was a "wild card" on the Sky landscape painter of the year 2018
I had a great day out at Fountain Abbey in Yorkshire with painters from across the land, competing as a wild card in the Sky TV series. October 16th 2018 on Sky Arts channel.